
Member of ABC highlights the beauty of Mathematics in Master Class and is impressed by FGV students: “They have a bright future”

Gregório Pacelli, Professor at the Federal University of Ceará, approved the Rio institution's initiative to expand students' horizons in relation to Exact Sciences

Evento foi realizado na última terça-feira (7) na FGV, no Rio de Janeiro

The event was held last Tuesday (7) at FGV, in Rio de Janeiro

Last Tuesday (7), the School of Applied Mathematics at Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV EMAp) welcomed Professor Gregório Pacelli, from the Federal University of Ceará (UFC), for a Master Class on the particularities of the number π. The students filled the FGV auditorium and showed great interest in the content taught by the member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences (ABC).

The Master Class of the undergraduate course in Applied Mathematics is a significant event at the FGV, especially for students who are starting their university life. Pacelli's presentation was another one in which students were able to absorb the most current theories and practices within the area.

The specific activity of the Master Class addresses broad topics that transcend disciplinary boundaries, providing not only inspiration and knowledge, but also an overview of Mathematics and its applications in various areas. With such an arsenal, FGV EMAp students understand the context of their field of study and expand their academic horizons with content that fills the course's curriculum.

Invited to teach a class for the first time at the FGV, Pacelli was very impressed with the intellectual potential of the students, noted in the subsequent questions during his presentation.

“I felt that the students were excited. They showed kindness. Many came to me and asked about aspects of the class content, thanked me, and expressed interest. You can see that they are very intelligent and have a bright future”, praise the mathematician.

Pacelli (ao centro) foi recebido por César Camacho (à esquerda), Diretor da FGV EMAp, e Hugo de la Cruz, Coordenador do curso de graduação em Matemática Aplicada

Pacelli (center) was received by César Camacho (left), Director of FGV EMAp, and Hugo de la Cruz, Coordinator of the undergraduate course in Applied Mathematics

To attract the interest of eager minds at FGV EMAp, Pacelli did not focus on specific elements of the class theme, but sought to demonstrate the beauty of what Mathematics represents for the Exact Sciences. For him, initiatives such as Master Classes help students expand their horizons on the subject.

“If you want to produce an understanding of true culture, surround yourself with what is beautiful. Many people have the impression that Mathematics is about having the ability to do calculations, solve intricate problems, etc. They are right, but there is an aspect of Mathematics that is little known. The search for Beauty, for Truth. And that’s what I tried to apply in class, to show Mathematics as a manifestation of Beauty, Truth and Good”, he details.

Hugo de la Cruz, Coordinator of the undergraduate course in Applied Mathematics at FGV EMAp, approves Pacelli's choice, as he is an important researcher on the national academic scene and many of his advice will permeate and guide the path of several students at the institution .

“Gregório is a renowned and experienced Brazilian mathematician and well recognized within the academic mathematical community. The students interacted with him, shared ideas and experiences, discussed the challenges and opportunities they will face in their careers, and received advice on how to prepare themselves to succeed in their areas of interest, whether in academia or in the job market. All of this will motivate students to pursue their own academic and professional goals with determination and enthusiasm”, he believes.


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