
Director of FGV EMAp is honored at SBM Workshop

César Camacho received a commemorative plaque at an event at Unicamp for his contributions to Brazilian Mathematics

O professor Camacho recebeu a placa na segunda-feira (4) | Foto: SBM

Professor Camacho received the plaque on Monday (4) | Photo: SBM

The Director of the School of Applied Mathematics at Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV EMAp), César Camacho, was honored at the Workshop celebrating the 55th anniversary of the Brazilian Mathematical Society (SBM). The researcher served as the president of the organization for two terms, from 1987 to 1989 and from 1991 to 1993.

The ceremony took place last Monday (2) at the Institute of Mathematics, Statistics, and Scientific Computing (IMECC) at Unicamp, the event's venue. The workshop is celebrating SBM's achievements and features prominent figures from the academic field to discuss the future challenges of the area in Brazil.

In addition to serving as the Director of FGV EMAp, Camacho is an emeritus researcher at the National Institute of Pure and Applied Mathematics (IMPA), where he was also part of the board from 2003 to 2015. The Peruvian is one of the leading figures in the continent in the fields of Qualitative Analysis of Complex Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems.

Honored by the recognition, Camacho recalled SBM's role in uniting initiatives in the field of Mathematical Sciences and expressed his desire to continue contributing to its evolution.

"It is a great satisfaction to see this recognition from my colleagues in the mathematical scientific community. SBM is celebrating 55 years. For me, it has been a pleasure to contribute to improving its activities," thanked Camacho.

Camacho é Diretor da FGV EMAp desde 2018 | Foto: SBM

Camacho has been the Director of FGV EMAp since 2018 | Photo: SBM

IMPA senior researcher Roberto Imbuzeiro was tasked with presenting a commemorative plaque to Camacho. "This plaque is just a small token of our gratitude to César for all the service he has provided to SBM and Brazilian mathematics. He truly plays a fundamental role in the evolution of the Society," declared the SBM director during President Jaqueline Mesquita's administration.

Yuri Saporito, associate professor at FGV EMAp, highlighted César Camacho's fundamental role in establishing the School as one of the leading references in Brazil for training professionals in Applied Mathematics and Data Science, with an emphasis on Artificial Intelligence applications.

The current director of FGV EMAp also allowed the Foundation to expand its influence throughout Brazil. In 2017, Camacho was one of the founders of the Center for the Development of Mathematics and Sciences (FGV CDMC), which selects young students with potential in the field and offers them the opportunity to pursue studies in undergraduate and graduate courses.

"Within this Center, there is a Talent Program that selects students with excellent mathematical performance from all over Brazil. The Program has grown exponentially. It is a project that César conceived when he arrived at FGV and has had a tremendous impact. We see in the classroom how excellent the students are, and we try to involve them in research programs, even considering Master's and PhD opportunities," explains Saporito.

O pesquisador Yuri Saporito marcou presença no Workshop | Foto: SBM

Researcher Yuri Saporito attended the Workshop | Photo: SBM

A colleague of Camacho from their time at IMPA, Professor Claudio Landim emphasizes how much the researcher works to strengthen ties between institutions, as scientific collaboration is essential for new discoveries and results in any area of science.

"It was a privilege to work with César all these years. I learned a lot from his teachings and have tried to apply them in all the projects I have developed since then," he commented.

Camacho presidiu a SBM nas décadas de 1980 e 1990 | Foto: SBM

Camacho served as president of SBM in the 1980s and 1990s | Photo: SBM

In addition to Camacho and Saporito, FGV EMAp is represented by Professor Maria Soledad Aronna on the event's Scientific Committee.

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