Sobre o Evento
In this talk, I will cover some of my recent research projects. First, we will discuss two projects on Dengue Fever from my graduate studies. In the first one, we explore the role of human mobility on epidemic outbreaks with the SIR-Network model. A second project is devoted to analyzing local climate conditions and their impact on Dengue outbreaks in Brazil with machine learning techniques. The second part of this talk will contain some of my work in cell biology, where local stability analysis provided insight into protein network dynamics. We will discuss biological problems related to protein clustering in the plasma membrane and GTPase molecular switches. In the third part of this talk, I will return to epidemiology and the specific problem of anticipating sharp increases in COVID-19 cases using internet-based data. Finally, I will list some of my future research plans in these different fields.
Apoiadores / Parceiros / Patrocinadores
Lucas Stolerman
I am an assistant professor of Mathematics at Oklahoma State University. My research interests lie at the interface of math, biology, and data-driven methods, focusing on mathematical modeling of infectious diseases and protein networks. Last year, I held a Research Fellow position at the Machine Intelligence Lab - Boston
Children's Hospital / Harvard Medical School under the supervision of Mauricio Santillana. From 2018 to 2020 was a postdoctoral scholar in the Laboratory for Computational Cellular Mechanobiology at the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering - University of California San Diego, under the supervision of Padmini Rangamani. In 2017, I joined the Scientific Computing Program (PROCC) at Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (FIOCRUZ), as a postdoctoral researcher advised by Cláudia Codeço. I earned my Ph.D. degree from the Instituto Nacional de Matemática Pura e Aplicada (IMPA) under the supervision of Roberto Imbuzeiro de Oliveira (IMPA) and J. Nathan Kutz (University of Washington).
Meeting ID: 917 5342 2510
Information: – 3799-5917