Sobre o Evento
Lie groups are arguably the mathematical object that witnessed the most varied applications in the last century. Indeed, the study of these groups and, specifically, their representations, has become crucial in understanding a range of topics, from generalizations of Fourier methods and differential equations to the core foundations of quantum and relativistic mechanics. Nonetheless, this rich theory has not yet seen many applications in machine learning, even in face of the many potential uses in querying geometric and topological information of data. We give some steps in that direction by developing a novel algorithm to quantify the proximity of point clouds and representation orbits of compact Lie groups. In this talk, we elaborate on the basics of Lie theory, describe the aforementioned algorithm, and briefly indicate some of its uses. We stress, however, that more than solely a presentation, we imagine this talk as an opportunity to discuss with attendees applications in which our methods may be used to find interesting structures.
Texto informado pelo autor.
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Apoiadores / Parceiros / Patrocinadores
Henrique Lovisi Ennes
Henrique Lovisi Ennes - Mestrando em Modelagem Matemática pela Escola de Matemática Aplicada - FGV EMAp e graduado em Matemática e Física pela Whitman College. Trabalhou como pesquisador em matemática física e em problemas teóricos e práticos de Machine Learning. Atualmente, participa de projetos de pesquisa na FGV Rio em processamento de linguagens naturais aplicado a documentos legais e modelagem do impacto de eventos climáticos extremos nas redes de distribuição de energia elétrica. Possui interesse em estatística em dimensões altas e topologia diferencial aplicadas à ciência de dados.
a) Opção presencial
Fundação Getulio Vargas *
Praia de Botafogo, 190 - sala 537
b) Opção remota (via Zoom)
Meeting ID: 981 5075 6795
Passcode: 546819
Informações adicionais:
Tel: 55 21 3799-5917