
FGV EMAp brings together experts from Brazil and abroad at the Summer School on Data Science

Event promotes immersion in Data Science, featuring trends, deepening technical knowledge, and fostering global connections

O evento será realizado na próxima semana, na Escola | Imagem: Reprodução

The event will take place next week at the school | Image: Reproduction

Technical learning, networking, and emerging trends in Data Science: FGV EMAp is hosting the Summer School on Data Science from January 21 to 24. The event brings together national and international experts for a technical and in-depth program rich in insights on disciplines such as statistics, machine learning, big data, and computer science. Registration is open and will remain available until the end of the event.

The technical content will be explored in depth, covering the frontier of knowledge in Data Science. Throughout the event, attendees can participate in four practical minicourses with a methodology designed to equip participants with the most up-to-date knowledge on topics such as Topological Data Analysis, Gaussian Processes, Graph Neural Networks (GNN) applied to Network Medicine, and Machine Learning for Earth Observations. The event will also feature 12 plenary lectures, offering conceptual and practical tools to support strategic performance in the job market.

“Participants can expect an immersion into cutting-edge topics in Data Science, with a focus on both practical applications and theoretical foundations, as well as networking opportunities and the chance to establish partnerships with researchers and industry professionals,” highlights Jorge Poco, professor at FGV EMAp and one of the event organizers.

Poco é professor associado da FGV EMAp | Foto: FGV EMAp

Poco is an associate professor at FGV EMAp | Photo: FGV EMAp

Gilson Costa, from the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), Andrea Britto, from Microsoft, Daniel Civitarese, from IBM, and Luis Gustavo Nonato, from the University of São Paulo (USP), are some of the confirmed speakers.

Emerging trends in modeling, large datasets, and Artificial Intelligence

Participants of the Summer School on Data Science will have the opportunity to engage in practical mini-tutorials focused on skill development and deepening competencies in tools and methods, while also introducing advanced libraries for machine learning and deep learning. These tutorials allow you to put the discussed concepts into practice, adding value to your learning experience.

According to Jorge Poco, events like this reinforce FGV EMAp's position as an academic hub of excellence. In addition to providing an inspiring environment for students and researchers, the presence of national and international experts fosters innovation, interdisciplinarity, and collaboration in high-impact projects.

“This strengthens the School’s reputation, stimulates high-level scientific production, and attracts new talents interested in joining this active ecosystem of research and development. We aim to encourage the generation of technological solutions and joint research projects,” says the professor.

The Summer School 2025 is a special opportunity to expand networking and take advantage of an environment with an active research and development ecosystem. The event will equip participants with conceptual and practical tools for a more strategic performance in the job market.


Summer School on Data Science

When: January 21 to 24, 2025

Where: FGV Cultural Center

Time: 9:00 AM - 6:30 PM

Address: Praia de Botafogo, 190 - Botafogo

Official event website:: eventos.fgv.br/summer-school-data-science-2025 

Registrations: https://www18.fgv.br/eventos/?P_EVENTO=6871&P_IDIOMA=1 

More information about registration fees: ds.school@fgv.br / +55 21 3799-5917  

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