Stochastic Population Models in Biology
Markov population processes. Birth and death processes. Immigration, birth and death processes. Two-species interaction processes. Discrete-time Markov chains. Continuous time birth and death chains. Diffusion processes and applications of SDE in Biology.
Basic Information
60 hours
Measure, Integration and Probability
- Stochastic population processes. Eric Renshaw. Oxford. 2011
- An Introduction to Stochastic processes with Applications to Biology. Linda J.S. Allen. CRC. 2011
- Stochastic Population and Epidemic Models: Persistence and Extinction. Linda. J.S. Allen. 2015.
- Stochastic Population Models: A Compartmental Perspective. James Matis and Thomas Kiffe. 2000
- Stochastic Differential Equations: An Introduction with Applications in Population Dynamics Modeling. Michael J. Panik. 2017
- Stochastic Population Dynamics in Ecology and Conservation. by Russell Lande and Steinar Engen. 2003
- Markov Chains: From Theory to Implementation and Experimentation. by Paul A. Gagniuc. 2017
- Stochastic Communities: A Mathematical Theory of Biodiversity. A. K. Dewdney. 2017