Programming Languages
Object-oriented and Modeling. Exception Handling. Software Testing and Quality. Data Visualization. Interface with Databases.
Basic Information
90 hours
Introduction to Computing
- Moacyr Silva, Asla Sá, Alexandre Rademaker, Walter Sande. Class notes.
- Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne. Introduction to Programming in Java: An Interdisciplinary Approach.
- Harvey M. Deitel, Paul J. Deitel. Java: How to Program. Pearson Educational.
- Cay Horstmann and Gary Cornell. Core Java (TM) 2, Volume I. Fundamentals (7th Edition). Core Series.
- David Geary. Graphic Java 2, Volume 2: Swing.
- Kim Topley. Core Swing: Advanced Programming (Paperback)
- Robert Sedgewick. Algorithms in C ++.
- Thomas H.Cormen. Algorithms: theory and practice.