Natural Language Processing and Understanding
Introduction to NLP e NLU. Distributional Lexical Semantics. Lexical Semantics. Sentiment analysis. Machine Learning methods applied to NLP and NLU. Natural Language Inference. Language modeling. Sentence understanding. Word embeddings.
Basic Information
60 hours
- Speech and Language Processing. Dan Jurafsky and Jim martin. 2014
- Neural Network methods for Natural Language Processing. Yoav Goldberg. 2017
- Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing. Manning and Schütze. 1999
- Python Natural Language Processing: Advanced machine learning and deep learning techniques for natural language processing. Jalaj Thanaki. 2017
- Natural Language Processing with Python Cookbook: Over 60 recipes to implement text analytics solutions using deep learning principles. Krishna Bhavsar and Naresh Kumar. 2017
- Deep Learning in Natural Language Processing. Li Deng and Yang Liu. 2018
- Deep Learning with Text: Natural Language Processing (Almost) from Scratch with Python and spaCy. Patrick Harrison and Matthew Honnibal. 2018
- Natural Language Understanding in a Semantic Web Context. Caroline Barrière. 2016.