Introduction to Real Analysis

Natural, integer, rational, real numbers. Topology notions. Sequences and series. Sequence and series limits. Power series. Real functions of a variable. Local and global behavior. Limit and continuity of functions. Uniform continuity. Intermediate value theorem. Differentiation: local and global properties. Linearization and convexity. Taylor approach. Riemann integral. Fundamental Theorem of Calculus.

Basic Information

60 hours
Calculus in One Real Variable


  • Mattuck, Arthur. Introduction to Analysis. MIT, Prentice Hall, 2013.
  • Lima, Elon Lages. Análise Real, volume 1. University Mathematical Collection. IMPA.
  • Lima, Elon Lages. Analysis Course. IMPA.


  • Ávila, Geraldo. Introduction to Mathematical Analysis. Edgard Blucher.
  • Bartle, R. G. The elements of real analysis.Wiley.
  • Rudin, W. Principles of mathematical analysis.
  • Abbot, S. Understanding analysis. Spring.
  • Fulks, Watson. Advanced Calculus: An Introduction to Analysis. John Wiley and Sons, 1978.
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