Quantum mechanics is the scientific theory that explains the behavior of systems below the level of the atom. It is a part of the standard model, the synthesis of theories to explain the universe on a small scale. The name quanta, comes from a package, because energy exchanges come in multiples of a minimum amount, as if they came in packages and not as if they were something continuous.
- Schrödinger equation
- One-dimensional potential
- Operators
- Fundamentals of quantum mechanics
- Harmonic oscillator
- Angular momentum
- Hydrogen atom
- Spin
- Variational method
- Disturbance theory
Basic Information
- Ballentine LE. Quantum Mechanics. A Modern Development. Singapore. World Scientific Press. 2015
- Griffiths DJ. Introduction to Quantum Mechanics. Cambridge. Cambridge University Press. 2017.
- Shankar R. Principles of Quantum Mechanics. New York. Springer Verlag. 1994
- Dirac PAM. Lectures on Quantum Mechanics. Cambridge. Cambridge University Press. 1970.
- Sakurai JJ. Modern Quantum Mechanics. New York. Addison-Wesley Publications. 1994.
- Zetilli N. Quantum Mechanics. New York. John Wiley & Sons. 2001.
- Dirac PAM. The Principles of Quantum Mechanics. Oxford. Oxford University Press. 1999.
- Cohen-Tannoudji C, Diu B and Laloe F. Quantum Mechanics. John-Wiley & Sons. 1977.