Discrete Mathematics
Graph theory: examples, basic definitions, directed graphs, paths and circuits, connected graphs, Eulerian graphs, Hamiltonian graphs, matrix representation of graphs, isomorphisms, planar graphs, vertex coloring, edge coloring, Dijkstra algorithm, trees, matchings.
Basic Information
60 hours
Fundamentals of Mathematics
- Graham, R, Knuth, D & Patashnik, O. Matemática Concreta. Fundamentos para a Ciência da Computação. Livros Técnicos e Científicos, 1995.
- Rosen, Kenneth. Discrete Mathematics and its Applications. McGraw-Hill Higher Education.
- Lovász, L., Pelikán, J. & Vesztergombi, K. Matemática Discreta. Sociedade Brasileira de Matemática.
- Menezes, P. B. Matemática Discreta para Computação e Informática. Artmed, 2008
- Szwarcfiter, Jayme Luiz. Grafos e algoritmos computacionais. Campus.
- Cormen, Thomas H et al. Algoritmos: teoria e prática. Campus, 2012.
- Wilson, Robin J. Introduction to graph theory. Longman, 2010.
- West, Douglas Brent. Introduction to graph theory. Prentice Hall, 2001