Coordinates in the plane; line and conics equation; vectors in the plane; changing coordinates; the general second degree equation; linear transformations of the plane; coordinates in space; plane equations; vectors in space; systems of equations with three variables; order 3 matrices; determinants; linear transformations in space; quadratic forms; quadric surfaces. Computational tools for drawing and simulating the studied graphic primitives.
Basic Information
- Lima, Elon Lages. Analytic geometry and Linear algebra. IMPA, 2001;
- Lima, Elon Lages. Coordinates in the plane: analytical geometry, vectors and geometric transformations. IMPA, 1992;
- Genésio Lima dos Reis, Valdir Vilmar da Silva. Analytical geometry. LTC, 1996.
- Ivan de Camargo & Paulo Boulos, Analytical Geometry;
- Reginaldo Santos, Analytical Geometry and Linear Algebra, 2000;
- Gerald Farin & Dianne Hansford, “Practical Linear Algebra: A geometry toolbox”;
- Alfredo Steinbruch, Linear Algebra and Analytical Geometry. Makron Books;
- Hohenwarter, Markus Geogebra Manual.