Topology of the Euclidean Space. Differentiable applications. Derivative as linear transformation. The gradient. Chain rule. Paths in Rn. Cn class applications: Taylor's formula. Sequences and series of functions. Inverse function theorem; implicit functions; rank theorem; Lagrange multipliers. Multiple integrals. Variable changes in multiple integrals.
Lima, Elon Lages - Analysis Course I - IMPA;
Lima, Elon Lages - Analysis Course II - IMPA;
Lima Elon Lages - Real Analysis - IMPA.
Bartle, Robert - The Elements of Real Analysis;
Elon Lages Lima. Lima, Elon Lages Analysis in the space JRll / Elan Lages J anciro: IMPA, 2004. 128 (Coleção Matemática);
Lang, serve. Calculus of Several Variables (Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics);
Fleming, Wendel. Functions of Several Variables - Springer Verlog;
Courant, Richard. Introduction to Calculus and Analysig.