Ciência de Redes

Introdução: social networks, communication networks, the web, the internet, biological networks • conceitos-chave da teoria dos grafos: networks and graphs, degree, average degree and degree distribution, adjacency matrix, weighted networks, bipartite networks, paths and distances, connectedness, clustering coefficient • random networks: the Erdos-Renyi model, number of links, degree distribution of random networks, small worlds, clustering coefficient in random networks • a scale free property: power laws and scale-free networks, hubs, the meaning of scale-free, the role of the degree exponent, generating networks with arbitrary degree distribution • o Barabasi-Albert model: growth and preferential attachment, degree dynamics, degree distribution, measuring preferential attachment, non-linear preferential attachment, the origins of preferential attachment, diameter and clustering coefficient • degree correlations: assortativity and disassortativity, measuring degree correlations, structural cutoffs, correlations in real networks, the impact of degree correlations • communities: basics of communities, hierarchical clustering, modularity, overlapping communities, characterizing communities, testing communities • (se o tempo permitir) Graph representations learning: node embeddings, Graph Neural Networks, Deep Generative Models for networks.

Informações Básicas

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  • Barabási , and M. Pósfai Network science Cambridge University Press, 2016


  • F. Menczer , S. Fortunato, C. A. Davis A first course in network Science Cambridge University Press, 2020
  • V. Latora , V. Nicosia, G. Russo Complex Networks Cambridge University, 2017
  • M. Newman Networks, an introduction Oxford University press, 2010
  • W. L. Hamilton Graph Representation Learning, McGill University, 2020
  • Caldarelli. Guido e Catanzaro, Michele - Networks : a very short introduction. Oxford University Press
  • Easley, David e Kleinberg, Jon. Networks, crowds, and markets : reasoning about a highly connected world - Cambridge University Press.
  • Wilson, Robin J. - Introduction to graph theory - Prentice Hall.
  • Kiss, I.Z.; Miller, J.C. e Simon, P.L. - Mathematics of Epidemics on Networks - Springer
  • Estrada, Ernesto - A First Course in Network Theory - Oxford University Press
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